
do over是什么意思翻译_do over的音标怎么读

do over

重做, 装饰


Haven't you noticed how the paintwork is clipped and flaking? It really needs doing over.


Before he reached the house, he was done over by the long walk.


do over

重做, 装饰


Haven't you noticed how the paintwork is clipped and flaking? It really needs doing over.


Before he reached the house, he was done over by the long walk.


do overdo over
1.翻译:重做, 改做, 重新布置(房间)Please do that exercise over again.请重做那个练习。The landlord is doing my apartment over.房东正在翻修我的房子。The room was done over in traditional style.这个房间是按传统风格重新布置的。

do over
1.翻译:[主英国口语]重新装饰(或油漆、裱糊)(房间、墙壁等):We did the room over.我们重新装饰了房间。We've done over the entire living room; it looks nice.我们已把整个起居室重新油漆一遍,它看起来美极了。
2.翻译:[美国口语]重复;重做:You'll have to do over the work; it's a mess.那件工作一团糟,你得重做。Do the essay over, it was no good.那篇文章不行,你重写吧。
3.翻译:收拾干净:to do over the bedroom把卧室收拾干净
4.翻译:痛打(某人),狠揍(某人):The robbers did the old woman over before they robbed her.那伙强盗把老太婆狠揍了一顿,然后抢劫了她。I'll get someone to do her over.我将找人把她狠揍一顿。
5.翻译:使耗尽,使疲乏:All that walking really did me over .那一趟步行真使我疲惫不堪。
6.翻译:[俚语]诱奸,与…发生性关系:He wants to marry the young girl he's done over.他想娶他诱奸过的那位年轻姑娘。

见:do 1: do over